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Igaühel oma mets

"Kas sul on oma mets, mille kaardi tahaksid joonistada?", uurisin tuttavatelt. Enamusel oli. Tulemusena sündis kogumik metsakaarte, mis kujutavad inimeste isiklikku ja tähendusrikast suhet metsaga. Ja nagu ikka, erineb psühhogeograafia füüsilisest geograafiast suuresti. Kaart saab näha grupinäitusel "Puud" Pärnu Linnagalerii Kunstnike majas 09.06-01.07.


"Do you have your forest which's map you want to draw?", I kept asking my friends, relatives and acquintances. Most of them did have. As a result a collection of maps was born, depicting people's personal and rich relationship to forest. As usual, the psychogeography differs quite a lot from the physical geography. The maps can be seen at the group exhibition "Trees" in Pärnu City Gallery Artists' House 09.06-01.07.


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